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An important message on safety


When creating our brand, we wanted a way to bring our community together in celebration of showing our true colours. Pride in the heart of the LGBTQIA+ community and our business. But more importantly, we want to provide the freedom to have and share a safe space.


Whether it's in your own home, at a friend's or at an LGBTQ+ establishment, safe spaces are places where queer people can explore their identities and find their chosen family. However, while we hope to continue to create safe spaces in our country and the rest of the world, there is still so much more that needs to be done to protect queer folks.


Our signalling bracelets were designed to allow LGBTQIA+ folks the ability to quietly show their pride without needing to say a word. While the bracelets can be subtle, they were also created to give different groups the ability to find one another. 


However, we are also aware that wearing your RCREW signalling bracelets may not be the safest thing to do in certain situations. 


This is why we strongly advise that if you do not feel safe and are in a situation where it is best not to share your queer identity, take your bracelet off and put it in your pocket. 



Trust your instincts and judgement


If you find yourself in a space where you don't feel safe, listen to your instincts. Whether it's in a private or public area, trust your judgement. Even if you may doubt your own instincts, it is always best to play it safe. 


Remember that there are people who still do not understand our community 


In western countries like the UK, where queer identities have become more accepted, some people, unfortunately, still do not 'agree' with our identities. They can sometimes be family members, friends, people we work with or even strangers. So while education is important, do not feel like you need to 'out' yourself if you know or feel like a person may not be safe to be around.


Always remember that your identity is still valid, even if you can't come out 


Unfortunately, not everyone will be privileged to show their true colours, but please do not let that stop you from claiming your identity. Whether you choose to wear one of our signalling bracelets, just remember that your safety should be your priority. You're still part of this family, no matter what.


Our mission is to continue to create a better life for the future members of the LGBTQIA+ community. While we are making strives today, we unfortunately do not live in a perfect world. But please do not let that put you off from celebrating and connecting with your fellow queer siblings and friends.