In October, 22-year-old Australian football player, Josh Cavallo, publicly came out as gay, becoming the first active (out) gay top-flight professional football player. It's a big moment for sporting professionals and the LGBTQ+ community
The trans community has been an integral part in the LGBTQ+ space, as many trans members have often been the face of equal rights and social justice for queer folks. This week marks Transgender Awareness Week, a time to honour, celebrate and bring awareness to the trans community and their experiences.
Asexuality has often been a hot topic for people outside and within the LGBTQ+ community. While the asexual community has met many challenges, their main struggle is to convince people that their orientation is valid. Here at RCREW we believe that every queer identity and experiences are real. We also believe that you are no less of a person just because you may not experience desire and attraction the same way others do.
Pronouns have become an integral part of the LGBTQ experience and the ongoing conversations on gender inclusivity. So in honour of International Pronoun Day, we're going to break down the basics of what a pronoun is and why it is so important to the LGBTQ community.
Today marks the 33rd official National Coming Out Day, a day many in the LGBTQ+ community see as an important time of recognition. Coming out can be both fantastic and…complicated, and sometimes even both. Either way, no matter how, when, or whether you choose to come out, we'll be celebrating National Coming Out Day by showing our love to each and every member of the community, whether you’re in or out of the closet.
Identity plays a significant role within the LGBT community, especially the communities, within the communities. For gay men, groups like Bears, who are characterised as masculine, hairy men, have since grown from a dating preference to a full-fledge brotherhood.
Here at RCREW, we want to highlight each group and member of the LGBT rainbow family by acknowledging their importance in our community. We're approaching the end of Bisexual+ Awareness Week, and with Celebrate Bisexuality Day taking place on September 23rd, we wanted to honour and share our love for the bisexual community.
For the past 18 months, the RCREW team has been selling LGBTQ+ bracelets through our start-up ETSY shop. Now, we’re relaunching and expanding our brand with a new website and new products with the hopes of continuing our mission of fighting for equality and social change.